All About Hedgehogs

hedgehogsHedgehogs are one of the cutest animals around. They resemble little fluff balls with a pointed nose and beady eyes. However, then you touch them and everything changes. You discover that they more closely resemble a bristly hairbrush or a cactus, depending on their mood at that moment. The truth is, there are many things you need to know about if you are considering a pet hedgehog.

Hedgehog Care

Hedgehogs cat food dishesHedgehogs are wild animals. They generally come out at night and have a diet that includes a lot of different things. To successfully own one, you must keep all this in mind.

A well-rounded diet of low-fat, dry cat food is fine. It should be supplemented with mealworms, crickets, and vegetables to ensure they stay healthy. They also need plenty of room to run during the night when they are most active. This means that a large cage with a flat bottom is best.

Hedgehogs are a little high maintenance in certain temperatures. They have to be kept warm. They thrive in temperatures that are between 75-85 degrees. If the temperature goes too much cooler or two much warmer, they may enter a state called, “torpor”, which means they are lethargic. To counter this, you need to provide an external heat source such as an under-tank heater or a heat bulb.

Hedgehog Quills

As previously stated, quills are something you will have to love when you own a hedgehog.

Flat Quills. At times, these quills may be flat. This typically indicates that they are calm. Basically, everything in their world is good at this moment.

Raised Slightly. If you see the quills begin to come up, this means that they are a little uncertain of their current situation. They are on alert.

Spiky Quills. When your pet is alarmed or spooked, their spikes can become impenetrable.

Personality of Hedgehogs

hedgehog petNot every hedgehog is created equally in personality traits. Some love to climb all over their humans and others are more stand-offish. Some are feisty while others are calm. They may try to steal shoelaces and other treasures.

However, most do enjoy being around new smells. If they find a scent that they enjoy, they may attempt to camouflage their own scent using this new and exciting flavor. When “re-scenting” they will vigorously lick the item that smells “right” and then basically spit it all over their quills.

Night-Time Marathons

To hide away from predators, hedgehogs use the cover of darkness to shield them. Therefore, you should be prepared for your prickly friend to wake up about the time the sun goes down.

This is the best time to socialize with them, but you should also be prepared for them to play long after you are ready for sleep. In the wild, these critters will run several miles. They are very active. Wheels, toys, tunnels, and other things are ideal solutions to keep them entertaining throughout the night.

When playing, they are not going to consider the fact that you need your beauty sleep. Plan accordingly. They may tear up their home every night so that you have to clean it the next morning.

As the sun comes up, they will want to rest up for the night ahead. You have to give them a “safe” place to sleep. A large box or plastic storage container that fits well in the cage is perfect.